RSS 1.0

As a data model, RSS 1.0 is similar to RSS 2.0, since both are designed to be represent feeds. In contrast to RSS 2.0, however, RSS 1.0 is expressed using the W3C RDF specification ( Consequently, RSS 1.0 feeds are part of the Semantic Web, an ambitious effort of the W3C to build a “common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries...based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF).”[69]


Other than this description of RSS 1.0 and a brief analysis of RDFa in Chapter 18, the Semantic Web is beyond the scope of this book. Although I urge any serious student of mashups to track the Semantic Web for its long-­term promise to transform the world of mashups, it has yet to make such an impact. Nonetheless, because RSS 1.0 is a concrete way to get started with RDF, I mention it here.

You can find the RDF 1.0 specification here:

The RDF 1.0 format is associated with an RDF schema (

Here I rewrite the RSS 2.0 feed to represent the same information as RSS 1.0 to give you a feel for the syntax of RSS 1.0:[70]

         <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
           <channel rdf:about="">
             <title>Apress :: The Expert's Voice</title>
               Welcome to Books for Professionals, by Professionals(TM)...
               with what the professional needs to know(TM)
                 <rdf:li rdf:resource="
         bID=10232" />
                 <rdf:li rdf:resource="
         bID=10249" />
           <item rdf:about="">
             <title>Excel 2007: Beyond the Manual</title>
               &lt;p&gt;&lt;i&gt;Excel 2007: Beyond the Manual&lt;/i&gt; will introduce those
               who are already familiar with Excel basics to more advanced features, like
               consolidation, what-if analysis, PivotTables, sorting and filtering, and some
               commonly used functions. You'll learn how to maximize your efficiency at
               producing professional-looking spreadsheets and charts and become competent at
               analyzing data using a variety of tools. The book includes practical examples
               to illustrate advanced features.&lt;/p&gt;
           <item rdf:about="">
             <title>Word 2007: Beyond the Manual</title>
               &lt;p&gt;&lt;i&gt;Word 2007: Beyond the Manual&lt;/i&gt; focuses on new
               features of Word 2007 as well as older features that were once less accessible
               than they are now. This book also makes a point to include examples of
               practical applications for all the new features. The book assumes familiarity
               with Word 2003 or earlier versions, so you can focus on becoming a confident
               2007 user.&lt;/p&gt;

Consider the following aspects of RSS 1.0:

Since RSS 1.0 feeds are harder to find than RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0 feeds, the following are some examples of RSS 1.0 feeds:


There are efforts to update RSS. The RSS Advisory Board ( has been designing updates to RSS 2.0, whereas RSS 1.1 ( has been created by a small number of developers to enhance RSS 1.0. RSS 2.0 and RSS 1.0 remain the most important versions of the two major families of RSS specifications.