Chapter 1. Learning from Specific Mashups

Table of Contents

Looking for Patterns in Mashups
What Is Being Combined?
Why Are the Constituent Elements Being Combined? What’s the Problem Being Solved?
Where Is the Remixing Happening?
How Are These Elements Being Combined?
Comparable Mashups
Google Maps in Flickr
What Is Being Combined?
Why Are the Constituent Elements Being Combined? What’s the Problem Being Solved?
How Are These Elements Being Combined?
Comparable Mashups
LibraryLookup Bookmarklet
Configuring a LibraryLookup Bookmarklet
Invoking the LibraryLookup Bookmarklet
How Does This Mashup Work?
How Can This Mashup Be Extended?
Comparable Mashups
Tracking Other Mashups

Before you set out to build your own mashups, you’ll study some specific examples in this chapter. Mashups combine content from more than one source into a new integrated whole. You can understand a specific mashup by answering a number of basic questions:

This chapter will explore three major examples:

In this chapter, I will analyze these three examples using the previous questions loosely as a framework. A close study of each of these mashups will be amply rewarded when you start creating your own mashups.

Looking for Patterns in Mashups

One pattern you will see repeated among mashups that link two web sites is the combination of three actions:

  1. Data is extracted from a source web site.

  2. This data is translated into a form meaningful to the destination web site.

  3. The repackaged data is sent to the destination site.

Of course, the details differ among the mashups, but this general pattern holds true, as you will see in the three mashups presented in detail in this chapter. Where the remixing actually happens differs in the three mashups you’ll see in this chapter: in a separate application as in, in Flickr for the Google Maps in Flickr script, and in the browser without a change of interface as in the LibraryLookup bookmarklet.

Although you’ll see this pattern of data extraction, translation, and redirection in the mashups covered in this chapter, you’ll find other patterns in mashups as well. Chapter 9 will explore those other patterns in detail.