In the previous sections, I showed the approach of working directly with the ODF specification and the validator and using trial and error to generate valid ODF files. In this section, you’ll move up the abstraction ladder and look at using libraries/API kits/wrapper libraries that work with ODF. Such libraries can be a huge help if they are implemented well and reflect conscientious effort on the part of the authors to wrestle with some of the issues I discussed in the previous section.
You can find a good list of tools that support ODF here:
You can find another good list here:
In this chapter, I’ll cover two API kits:
I’ll cover Odfpy (
). According to
documentation for Odfpy: “Odfpy aims to be a complete API for OpenDocument in
Python. Unlike other more convenient APIs, this one is essentially an abstraction
layer just above the XML format. The main focus has been to prevent the programmer
from creating invalid documents. It has checks that raise an exception if the
programmer adds an invalid element, adds an attribute unknown to the grammar, forgets
to add a required attribute or adds text to an element that doesn’t allow
I’ll cover OpenDocumentPHP (
), which is in the early stages of
In the next two subsections, I will show you how to use Odfpy and OpenDocumentPHP.
I’ll first use Odfpy to generate a minimalist document and then to re-create the full-blown ODF text document from earlier in the chapter. To use it, follow the documentation here:
You can access the code via Subversion:
svn export odfpy
To generate a “Hello World” document, use this:
from odf.opendocument import OpenDocumentText from odf.text import P textdoc = OpenDocumentText() p = P(text="Hello World!") textdoc.text.addElement(p)"helloworld_odfpy.odt")
This code will generate helloworld_odfpy.odt
with the following file
File Name Modified Size mimetype 2007-12-03 15:06:20 39 styles.xml 2007-12-03 15:06:20 403 content.xml 2007-12-03 15:06:20 472 meta.xml 2007-12-03 15:06:20 426 META-INF/manifest.xml 2007-12-03 15:06:20 691
But the generated instance doesn’t validate (according to the ODF Validator), even though OO.o 2.2 has no problem reading the file. For many practical purposes, this may be OK, though it’d be nice to know that a document coming out of Odfpy is valid since that’s the stated design goal of Odfpy.
Let’s now use Odfpy to generate a more substantial document. The following code demonstrates how you can use Odfpy to re-create the full-blown ODF text document from earlier in the chapter. The code is a rather literal translation of the markup to the corresponding object model of Odfpy—and should give you a feel for how to use Odfpy.
# """ Description: This program used odfpy to generate a simple ODF text document odfpy: documentation for odfpy: odfpy.odt """ from odf.opendocument import OpenDocumentText from import Style, TextProperties, ParagraphProperties, ListLevelProperties, FontFace from odf.text import P, H, A, S, List, ListItem, ListStyle, ListLevelStyleBullet, ListLevelStyleNumber, ListLevelStyleBullet, Span from odf.text import Note, NoteBody, NoteCitation from import FontFaceDecls from odf.table import Table, TableColumn, TableRow, TableCell from odf.draw import Frame, Image # fname is the path for the output file fname= '[PATH-FOR-OUTPUT-FILE]'; #fname='D:\Document\PersonalInfoRemixBook\examples\ch17\odfpy_gen_example.odt' # instantiate an ODF text document (odt) textdoc = OpenDocumentText() # styles """ <style:style style:name="Standard" style:family="paragraph" style:class="text"/> <style:style style:name="Text_20_body" style:display-name="Text body" style:family="paragraph" style:parent-style-name="Standard" style:class="text"> <style:paragraph-properties fo:margin-top="0in" fo:margin-bottom="0.0835in"/> </style:style> """ s = textdoc.styles StandardStyle = Style(name="Standard", family="paragraph") StandardStyle.addAttribute('class','text') s.addElement(StandardStyle) TextBodyStyle = Style(name="Text_20_body",family="paragraph", parentstylename='Standard', displayname="Text body") TextBodyStyle.addAttribute('class','text') TextBodyStyle.addElement(ParagraphProperties(margintop="0in", marginbottom="0.0835in")) s.addElement(TextBodyStyle) # font declarations """ <office:font-face-decls> <style:font-face style:name="Arial" svg:font-family="Arial" style:font-family-generic="swiss" style:font-pitch="variable"/> </office:font-face-decls> """ textdoc.fontfacedecls.addElement((FontFace(name="Arial",fontfamily="Arial", fontfamilygeneric="swiss",fontpitch="variable"))) # Automatic Style # P1 """ <style:style style:name="P1" style:family="paragraph" style:parent-style-name="Standard" style:list-style-name="L1"/> """ P1style = Style(name="P1", family="paragraph", parentstylename="Standard", liststylename="L1") textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(P1style) # L1 """ <text:list-style style:name="L1"> <text:list-level-style-bullet text:level="1" text:style-name="Numbering_20_Symbols" style:num-suffix="." text:bullet-char="•"> <style:list-level-properties text:space-before="0.25in" text:min-label-width="0.25in"/> <style:text-properties style:font-name="StarSymbol"/> </text:list-level-style-bullet> </text:list-style> """ L1style=ListStyle(name="L1") # u'\u2022' is the bullet character ( bullet1 = ListLevelStyleBullet(level="1", stylename="Numbering_20_Symbols", numsuffix=".", bulletchar=u'\u2022') L1prop1 = ListLevelProperties(spacebefore="0.25in", minlabelwidth="0.25in") bullet1.addElement(L1prop1) L1style.addElement(bullet1) textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(L1style) # P6 """ <style:style style:name="P6" style:family="paragraph" style:parent-style-name="Standard" style:list-style-name="L5"/> """ P6style = Style(name="P6", family="paragraph", parentstylename="Standard", liststylename="L5") textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(P6style) # L5 """ <text:list-style style:name="L5"> <text:list-level-style-number text:level="1" text:style-name="Numbering_20_Symbols" style:num-suffix="." style:num-format="1"> <style:list-level-properties text:space-before="0.25in" text:min-label-width="0.25in"/> </text:list-level-style-number> </text:list-style> """ L5style=ListStyle(name="L5") numstyle1 = ListLevelStyleNumber(level="1", stylename="Numbering_20_Symbols", numsuffix=".", numformat='1') L5prop1 = ListLevelProperties(spacebefore="0.25in", minlabelwidth="0.25in") numstyle1.addElement(L5prop1) L5style.addElement(numstyle1) textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(L5style) # T1 """ <style:style style:name="T1" style:family="text"> <style:text-properties fo:font-style="italic" style:font-style-asian="italic" style:font-style-complex="italic"/> </style:style> """ T1style = Style(name="T1", family="text") T1style.addElement(TextProperties(fontstyle="italic",fontstyleasian="italic", fontstylecomplex="italic")) textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(T1style) # T2 """ <style:style style:name="T2" style:family="text"> <style:text-properties fo:font-weight="bold" style:font-weight-asian="bold" style:font-weight-complex="bold"/> </style:style> """ T2style = Style(name="T2", family="text") T2style.addElement(TextProperties(fontweight="bold",fontweightasian="bold", fontweightcomplex="bold")) textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(T2style) # T5 """ <style:style style:name="T5" style:family="text"> <style:text-properties fo:color="#ff0000" style:font-name="Arial"/> </style:style> """ T5style = Style(name="T5", family="text") T5style.addElement(TextProperties(color="#ff0000",fontname="Arial")) textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(T5style) # now construct what goes into <office:text> h=H(outlinelevel=1, text='Purpose (Heading 1)') textdoc.text.addElement(h) p = P(text="The following sections illustrate various possibilities in ODF Text", stylename='Text_20_body') textdoc.text.addElement(p) textdoc.text.addElement(H(outlinelevel=2,text='A simple series of paragraphs (Heading 2)')) textdoc.text.addElement(P(text="This section contains a series of paragraphs.", stylename='Text_20_body')) textdoc.text.addElement(P(text="This is a second paragraph.", stylename='Text_20_body')) textdoc.text.addElement(P(text="And a third paragraph.", stylename='Text_20_body')) textdoc.text.addElement(H(outlinelevel=2,text='A section with lists (Heading 2)')) textdoc.text.addElement(P(text="Elements to illustrate:")) # add the first list (unordered list) textList = List(stylename="L1") item = ListItem() item.addElement(P(text='hyperlinks', stylename="P1")) textList.addElement(item) item = ListItem() item.addElement(P(text='italics and bold text', stylename="P1")) textList.addElement(item) item = ListItem() item.addElement(P(text='lists (ordered and unordered)', stylename="P1")) textList.addElement(item) textdoc.text.addElement(textList) # add the second (ordered) list textdoc.text.addElement(P(text="How to figure out ODF")) textList = List(stylename="L5") #item = ListItem(startvalue=P(text='item 1')) item = ListItem() item.addElement(P(text='work out the content.xml tags', stylename="P5")) textList.addElement(item) item = ListItem() item.addElement(P(text='work styles into the mix', stylename="P5")) textList.addElement(item) item = ListItem() item.addElement(P(text='figure out how to apply what we learned to spreadsheets and presentations', stylename="P5")) textList.addElement(item) textdoc.text.addElement(textList) # A paragraph with bold, italics, font change, and hyperlinks """ <text:p>The <text:span text:style-name="T1">URL</text:span> for <text:span text:style-name="T5">Flickr</text:span> is <text:a xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="" ></text:a>. <text:s/>The <text:span text:style-name="T2" >API page</text:span> is <text:a xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="" ></text:a></text:p> """ p = P(text='The ') # italicized URL s = Span(text='URL', stylename='T1') p.addElement(s) p.addText(' for ') # Flickr in red and Arial font p.addElement(Span(text='Flickr',stylename='T5')) p.addText(' is ') # link link = A(type="simple",href="", text="") p.addElement(link) p.addText('. The ') # API page in bold s = Span(text='API page', stylename='T2') p.addElement(s) p.addText(' is ') link = A(type="simple",href="", text="") p.addElement(link) textdoc.text.addElement(p) # add the table """ <table:table-column table:number-columns-repeated="3"/> """ textdoc.text.addElement(H(outlinelevel=1,text='A Table (Heading 1)')) table = Table(name="Table 1") table.addElement(TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated="3")) # first row tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) tc = TableCell(valuetype="string") tc.addElement(P(text='Website')) tr.addElement(tc) tc = TableCell(valuetype="string") tc.addElement(P(text='Description')) tr.addElement(tc) tc = TableCell(valuetype="string") tc.addElement(P(text='URL')) tr.addElement(tc) # second row tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) tc = TableCell(valuetype="string") tc.addElement(P(text='Flickr')) tr.addElement(tc) tc = TableCell(valuetype="string") tc.addElement(P(text='A social photo sharing site')) tr.addElement(tc) tc = TableCell(valuetype="string") link = A(type="simple",href="", text="") p = P() p.addElement(link) tc.addElement(p) tr.addElement(tc) # third row tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) tc = TableCell(valuetype="string") tc.addElement(P(text='Google Maps')) tr.addElement(tc) tc = TableCell(valuetype="string") tc.addElement(P(text='An online map')) tr.addElement(tc) tc = TableCell(valuetype="string") link = A(type="simple",href="", text="") p = P() p.addElement(link) tc.addElement(p) tr.addElement(tc) textdoc.text.addElement(table) # paragraph with footnote """ <text:h text:outline-level="1">Footnotes (Heading 1)</text:h> <text:p>This sentence has an accompanying footnote.<text:note text:id="ftn0" text:note-class="footnote"> <text:note-citation>1</text:note-citation> <text:note-body> <text:p text:style-name="Footnote">You are reading a footnote.</text:p> </text:note-body> </text:note> <text:s text:c="2"/>Where does the text after a footnote go?</text:p> """ textdoc.text.addElement(H(outlinelevel=1,text='Footnotes (Heading 1)')) p = P() textdoc.text.addElement(p) p.addText("This sentence has an accompanying footnote.") note = Note(id="ftn0", noteclass="footnote") p.addElement(note) note.addElement(NoteCitation(text='1')) notebody = NoteBody() note.addElement(notebody) notebody.addElement(P(stylename="Footnote", text="You are reading a footnote.")) p.addElement(S(c=2)) p.addText("Where does the text after a footnote go?") # Insert the photo """ <text:h text:outline-level="1">An Image</text:h> <text:p> <draw:frame draw:name="graphics1" text:anchor-type="paragraph" svg:width="5in" svg:height="6.6665in" draw:z-index="0"> <draw:image xlink:href="Pictures/campanile_fog.jpg" xlink:type="simple" xlink:show="embed" xlink:actuate="onLoad"/> </draw:frame> </text:p> """ textdoc.text.addElement(H(outlinelevel=1,text='An Image')) p = P() textdoc.text.addElement(p) # add the image # img_path is the local path of the image to include img_path = '[PATH-FOR-IMAGE]'; #img_path = 'D:\Document\PersonalInfoRemixBook\examples\ch17\campanile_fog.jpg' href = textdoc.addPicture(img_path) f = Frame(name="graphics1", anchortype="paragraph", width="5in", height="6.6665in", zindex="0") p.addElement(f) img = Image(href=href, type="simple", show="embed", actuate="onLoad") f.addElement(img) # save the document
You can examine the output from this code:
OpenDocumentPHP (
) is a PHP API kit for ODF in its early stages
of development.
In this section, I’ll show how to use OpenDocumentPHP version 0.5.2, which you can get from here:
Alternatively, you can install OpenDocumentPHP using PEAR:
Some autogenerated documentation of the API is available here:
Unzip the file in your PHP library area. To see a reasonably complicated example of
what you can do, consult the samples in OpenDocumentPHP/samples
Here I will write a simple helloworld
-generated document to demonstrate
how to get started with the library:
<?php require_once 'OpenDocumentPHP/OpenDocumentText.php'; $text = new OpenDocumentText('D:\Document\PersonalInfoRemixBook\examples\ch17\ helloworld_opendocumentphp.odt'); $textbody = $text->getBody(); $paragraph = $textbody->nextParagraph(); $paragraph->append('Hello World!'); $text->close(); ?>
![]() | Note |
You need ZipArchive to be enabled in PHP to run OpenDocumentPHP. On Linux
systems use the |
The following is a more elaborate example using OpenDocumentPHP to generate a couple of headers and several paragraphs. The paragraphs are associated with a Text body style.
<?php require_once 'OpenDocumentPHP/OpenDocumentText.php'; $fullpath = 'D:\Document\PersonalInfoRemixBook\examples\ch17\odp_gen_example.odt'; /* * If file exists, remove it first. */ if (file_exists($fullpath)) { unlink($fullpath); } $text = new OpenDocumentText($fullpath); # set some styles /** <style:style style:name="Standard" style:family="paragraph" style:class="text"/> <style:style style:name="Text_20_body" style:display-name="Text body" style:family="paragraph" style:parent-style-name="Standard" style:class="text"> <style:paragraph-properties fo:margin-top="0in" fo:margin-bottom="0.0835in"/> </style:style> **/ $Standard_Style = $text->getStyles()->getStyles()->getStyle(); $Standard_Style->setStyleName('Standard'); $Standard_Style->setFamily('paragraph'); $Standard_Style->setClass('text'); $textBody_Style = $text->getStyles()->getStyles()->getStyle(); $textBody_Style->setStyleName('Text_20_body'); $textBody_Style->setDisplayName('Text body'); $textBody_Style->setFamily('paragraph'); $textBody_Style->setClass('text'); $pp = $textBody_Style->getParagraphProperties(); $pp->setMarginTop('0in'); $pp->setMarginBottom('0.0835in'); # write the headers and paragraphs $textbody = $text->getBody()->getTextFragment(); $heading = $textbody->nextHeading(); $heading->setHeadingLevel(1); $heading->append('Purpose (Heading 1)'); $paragraph = $textbody->nextParagraph(); $paragraph->setStyleName('Text_20_body'); $paragraph->append('The following sections illustrate various possibilities in ODF Text'); $heading = $textbody->nextHeading(); $heading->setHeadingLevel(2); $heading->append('A simple series of paragraphs (Heading 2)'); $paragraph = $textbody->nextParagraph(); $paragraph->setStyleName('Text_20_body'); $paragraph->append('This section contains a series of paragraphs.'); $paragraph = $textbody->nextParagraph(); $paragraph->setStyleName('Text_20_body'); $paragraph->append('This is a second paragraph.'); $paragraph = $textbody->nextParagraph(); $paragraph->setStyleName('Text_20_body'); $paragraph->append('And a third paragraph.'); $text->close(); ?>
You can examine the output from this script here:
If you are willing and able to have installed on your computer, it is possible to use OO.o itself as a big library of sorts to parse and generate your ODF documents and to convert ODF to and from other formats. Libraries/tools that use this approach include the following:
The JODConverter Java Library (
OOoLib, Perl and Python libraries that use OO.o (
On Win32-oriented systems, you can access via a COM interface. For
instance, the following Python code running the win32all
library will
generate a new .odt
document by scripting OO.o:
import win32com.client objServiceManager = win32com.client.Dispatch("") objServiceManager._FlagAsMethod("CreateInstance") objDesktop = objServiceManager.CreateInstance("") objDesktop._FlagAsMethod("loadComponentFromURL") args = [] objDocument = objDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, args) objDocument._FlagAsMethod("GetText") objText = objDocument.GetText() objText._FlagAsMethod("createTextCursor","insertString") objCursor = objText.createTextCursor() objText.insertString(objCursor, "The first line in the newly created text document.\n", 0)